It should take 5-10 minutes for the entire BuildTools file to decompile, but when it does, you'll find a craftbukkit and spigot JAR in your directory. We drag the file in, because it automatically writes out the directory for you, otherwise, you'd need to type out the entire directory (not fun)Ħ. What this does is grants you permission to open up mand. With the normal shell script (.sh extension), you have to put it into a script, save it, then drag it into terminal and hit enter to run it. When you double click it, it automatically runs in terminal. I made up mand, you can use anything, as long as it ends in. Save the following to the same folder as your BuildTools.jar as mand
This code shown above is Shell Script, which is litterally a scripting language made for your bash/terminal.
Exec java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui You don't necessarily need TextEdit, in fact, TextEdit is a pretty terrible text editor.